Monday, September 13, 2010

Friendship, Food, and Fantasy

Last night, Nate (D. Nathan Hilliard) and I spent a Saturday's night at Denny's. I celebrated my new cover release for Impact For Murder, and kept within the sugar boundaries of my diet. (as in-No Sugar! Low carbs) 

We had a blast, but poor Nate's laptop is ill and he didn't have it with him. Gotta tell you, he looked pretty forlorn without his "Preciousssss." I brought mine and we perused the web, drank plenty caffeine, and discussed our future writing plots. 

Had a pleasant surprise while at the restaurant--ran into two old friends, Mark Hardy and Mark Terry. They own Woof Pet Bakery. It was so good to see them again. They have the best dog treats in the world. (To self--must run by and get some peanut butter cookies for the fur-kids) 

On a different note, our little pecan tree in the backyard has several pecans this year. First year to bear fruit. Steve and I are excited. The orange tree is weighted down with big beautiful oranges and I can't wait till they ripen. It sure takes a long time for those rascals to turn orange, though. 

My brain is filled with images of scenes for the novel I'm working on, and it's the most amazing feeling for my fingers to try and keep up. I love that. 

Short and sweet for today, but have to get back to writing.

Happy Trails,

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