Sunday, June 6, 2010

Saturday afternoon with a friend

Spent the afternoon with a friend, Diana L. Driver. She is the author of Ninth Lord of the Night and The Maya, People of the Maize. Both books are two of my favorites. For anyone who is interested in the Mayan calendar 2012 and where its understanding rooted, buy the book. To understand things that are beyond this world and yet proof of its existance before the common era, this guide book will broaden your horizons. 

Diana captivated my attention on her set of RUNES. They are most fascinating. Each symbol going back in history to a place and time that crosses reality with elements of fantasy. Except the RUNES are real--so are their history. Stories have evolved over the centuries that expands on a secret world that our generation, especially our Western culture, could never fathom. Most interesting. 

Tonight, my husband made chicken enchiladas. He's the best cook in the world and really does spoil me! 

Lately, I've been on a "new" digital camera kick, and found the one I'm wanting--and have put it on my wish list. As a writer, sometimes being able to snap a quick pic is just what I need to recall a certain detail to help with visualization...especially when writing a novel or a short story and I'm trying to fill it with senses that the reader can share. 

This past Wednesday was my birthday and yes I celebrated--although quite subdued with a quiet dinner with Steve and our kids. Nice. Really nice. The years are blinking by. (not so nice-lol) 

Time for me now to put away the internet for the night and get busy doing what I love...write! 

Happy Trails,

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