Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunday Fun Stuff

Met a Percheron warhorse today. Up close and personal. What a handsome 8 year old full of pep! If you'd like to see what he looks like, just Google "Sampson, the warhorse," and then click on his facebook page. Steve and I went to the Texas Renaissance Festival and spent the day perusing the shops, sight-seeing, stroking Sampson, and just had plain fun. We both needed it. 

Tonight, Nate (D. Nathan Hilliard) and I spent a grand evening doing our Writers' Night Out. Except we spent most of time discussing everything but writing. We needed the break. 

What I didn't do today was any NaNo writing--but I am at 21,900. Shewww! I'm also in the middle of the two-week slump. The outings today were exactly what I needed to recharge the old batteries. 

It's late, this post is short, and tomorrow will bring another great day. Hope you have a wonderful week ahead.

Slipping into my gown,


  1. Having a night out is a great way to recharge the battery, sounds like fun!

  2. Alva,
    It was fun! I know you're from "UP" north--ummm, could you sweep some cold winter air down our way?:)

  3. The forecast for next week is calling for lows below zero and snow showers. Maybe we can do a trade?

  4. You're on!!!! Our highs are forecast for 80-85 and lows 65-69. Since I've pulled the fans out (again), I'll just point them North! lol lol. What I wouldn't give for a REAL White Thanksgiving and Christmas!
